Pre-Made Themes

Your Quick

instant download

Hand-Coded Websites

Your Vision,

built from the ground up

Quick Web Fixes

Code Tweaks &
Design Touch-Ups

48h turnaround

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Theme Installation
& Set-Up

Opt for template installation
or full theme setup for a quick start.

// all pre-made themes require an initial setup,
including Website Identity and Branding,
Navigation, Widgets, Plugins, etc.

Theme Installation

  • uploading and installing the theme
  • activating the theme within your content management
  • ensuring all necessary plugins or extensions required by the theme are installed and activated
  • checking for any compatibility issues and verifying that the theme is installed correctly

Theme Set-Up

  • configuring basic theme settings such as logo, colors, fonts, and layout options
  • setting up navigation menus and footer links
  • configuring homepage layout and sections if applicable
  • organizing widget areas or sidebars
  • configuring any additional functionality provided by the theme, such as sliders, galleries, or portfolio pagesavicon setup
  • installing and configuring recommended or essential plugins for additional functionality
  • esting the website across different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and responsiveness
  • and more

Copyright © 2013 - FlyBird's □ BOX
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.